Divadelní noviny Aktuální vydání 1/2025

Kulturní měsíčník pro divadlo a jiné umělecké obory

Vychází za finanční podpory hlavního města Prahy, Ministerstva kultury ČR, Státního fondu kultury a Nadace Českého literárního fondu


ročník 34
28. 1. 2025
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Divadelní noviny > Festivaly

Divadlo Plzeň 2012: Up & Down Hanny Baltyn

In my opinion the best of all was

Odpad, město, smrt, fantasticaly alive, coherent, ingenuous, funny and poetic masterwork of Dušan D. Pařízek, who was able to revitalize for us an old piece of Fassbinder in really convincing way. Except the smart using the given space, formed as a ring, I especially appreciate the work of actors – Gabriela Míčová as Romi and Martin Pechlát as Müller were simply charismatic – touching, funny, and full of different skills. And of course there was also this unique contact with viewers… Memorable evening.

Second place in the contest

Kukura Martina Čičváka. Highly ironic discours about contemporary culture in a manner, which – as I thought – was for a long time dead. Here the actors, especially the biggest star of the whole Divadlo Festival Jana Olhova, made it both funny and moving. The scene with a puppet of old, dying Kukura the spectators will remember for ever.

Third is for sure

the great digitally completed molologue? monodram? theatre of one actor? by Dirk Roofthooft in Sunken Red. Spare, absolutely precise style, convincing portrait of unhappy obsessionist, interesting tale about facts, which only in nowadays became for Americans and some other nations considered maybe most traumatic and important part of the memory of the II World War. Masterpiece of acting.

I liked also – not without some reservations –

Moskva-Petušky (wonderfull, most aproppriate localisation, bravo!);

Parchanti for briging up actual policitical subject and incredible energy of the whole cast;

Tichý Tarzan for bringing us closer to this unique artist.

I’m disapointed

with the works of Czech’s star Jan Mikulášek (maybe – as a very talented man – he works too much and too quick).

But I consider the whole Jubilee Festival

as a great sucess of organizers, both in artistic sense and as an intellectual work of confronting different visions of the same subject (f.i. political theatre). There were here cries and whispers, love and death, money and altruism – in a word, the whole world.

Hanna Baltyn polská divadelní kritička a historička, autorka řady esejů a recenzí. Překladatelka (do polštiny), mj. The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre (Historie teatru) Johna Russella Browna. V současné době spolupracuje s měsíčníky Nowe Książki a Teatr a čtvrtletníkem Notatnik Teatralny.

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