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V4@THEATRE – Divadelná Nitra 2015 Residency
Asociácia Divadelná Nitra v spolupráci s ďalšími partnermi zo Slovenska, Českej republiky, Poľska a Maďarska vyhlasujú výzvu na projekt V4@THEATRE – DIVADELNÁ NITRA 2015 RESIDENCY.
Šesťdňové pracovné stretnutie pod vedením francúzskeho teatrológa Patricea Pavisa sa uskutoční 24. – 30. septembra 2015 počas medzinárodného divadelného festivalu Divadelná Nitra 2015. Výzva je určená mladým profesionálom (do 35 rokov) v oblasti teatrológie, divadelnej dramaturgie a réžie zo Slovenska, Česka, Maďarska, Poľska a Ukrajiny.
Uzávierka prihlášok: 30. august 2015
Výzva v celom znení(.doc)
Prihlasovací formulár(.doc)
Dates of residency: 24 – 30 September 2015
Location: Nitra, Slovakia
Number of selected participants: 10 from 5 countries – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine and Slovakia
V4@Theatre – Divadelná Nitra 2015 Residency is a creative hub for young theatre professionals (critics, directors, dramaturges) who will, under the leadership of internationally acclaimed theatre theorist and critic Patrice Pavis (France), attend the 24th edition of the Divadelná Nitra Festival.
Participants will follow all performances of the main programme and selected performances of the accompanying programme. For 6 days, they will work together with Mr Pavis as their mentor, mediator and facilitator.
The participants will be tasked to prepare and make a presentation about the current situation in the performing arts scene in their country (topics will be announced in advance by Mr Pavis and the Divadelná Nitra), to write at least three articles which can take the form of reviews / articles about the Divadelná Nitra performances and programme or interviews with artists presented at the Festival for the V4@Theatre website. They will attend and participate in public talks with selected artists and each day they will work with Mr Pavis, discussing and reflecting on the productions they have seen. Some of the presentations and discussions of the V4@Theatre participants will be open to public – theatre professionals and students attending the festival.

Patrice Pavis. FOTO archiv
To apply, submit a motivation letter and your professional bio in English language to the project partner in your country no later than 30 August 2015:
Czech Republic: Arts and Theatre Institute: Barbora Doležalová: [email protected]
Poland: Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute: Anna Galas – [email protected]
Hungary: Trafó – House of Contemporary Arts: Beáta Barda: [email protected]
Slovakia: Theatre Institute Bratislava: Martina Kotláriková: [email protected]
Ukraine: East European Performing Arts Platform: Joanna Wichowska: [email protected]
Selection criteria:
• Professional theatre critic, theatre director, dramaturge – citizen of one of the Visegrad Group countries or Ukraine (priority will be given to applicants who already pursue their professional carriers in theatre / theatre criticism, not students)
• Fluent in English (both spoken and written)
• Up to 35 years of age
• Interested to improve his / her presentation skills, critical reflection and writing skills, and analysis of a theatre production and festival dramaturgy
• To apply with an application form containing motivation letter in English and a professional bio in English
• Once selected – to prepare a presentation on the theatre scene of his / her country (10 minutes) – will be presented at The Breakfast with: the current trends, contexts, generations of artists, current themes, the resonance of the Divadelná Nitra festival’s theme in the productions in his / her country (topics will be specified by the Residency mentor)
The selected participants will receive:
• The opportunity to follow the 24th edition of the Divadelná Nitra 2015 – International Theatre Festival under the mentorship of Patrice Pavis
• Complimentary tickets to all festival performances of the main programme and access to accompanying programme events (films, performances, installations)
• Accommodation for 6 nights in single rooms with breakfast (arrival 24/9/2015, departure 30/9/2015)
• Reimbursement of travel costs to Nitra – the most economical means of transport
• Lunches during their stay at the Festival and invitation to the opening party
• Festival catalogue and other festival materials
The residency is made possible thanks to support from the International Visegrad Fund.
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