Divadelní noviny Aktuální vydání 14/2024

Kulturní čtrnáctideník pro divadelníky a jejich diváky

Vychází za finanční podpory hlavního města Prahy, Ministerstva kultury ČR, Státního fondu kultury a Nadace Českého literárního fondu


ročník 33
3. 9. 2024
  • Zprávy
  • Kritika
  • Blogy
  • Zahraničí
  • Rozhovory
  • Ostatní
  • KritikLab
  • Hledat
  • Můj profil

    English summary

    The Theatre Newspaper was founded in 1992 as a “cultural bi-monthly for theatre practitioners and their audience”. It picks up on a newspaper of the same name, which was published between the years 1957 and 1970.

    The Theatre Newspaper attempts to cover the state of Czech theatre in its entirety and to enrich it by integrating regular accounts of international theatrical events. Every issue contains four pages of reviews of current theatre premieres, a profile interview, a number of journalistic and other materials, which go beyond the field of theatre, and a traditional retrospective series.

    The Theatre Newspaper comes out every other Tuesday. The subscription for the Czech Republic as well as for foreign countries can be ordered from the editor’s office or at the e-mail address [email protected].
