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16th Europe Theatre Prize 2017

Dear Friends,

We are glad to inform you that the events of the XVI edition of the Europe Theatre Prize and the XIV edition of the Europe Prize Theatrical Realities will take place in Rome, Italy, from 12th (evening) to 17th  December 2017. The Prize has been made part of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome and the G7 meeting, as a special programme promoted by the Minister of Culture with the backing of the President of the Italian Republic. These celebrations will coincide with 30 years of the Europe Prize.

Each day of the event will be dedicated to the winners and will be enriched by conferences, meetings, previews, performances, workshops and exhibitions.

This year, the Returns section will include the performances by three previously awarded artists:

·         King Lear, directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti (expected for the 12th at 21:00)

·         Hamletmachine, directed by Bob Wilson (date and time to be defined)

·         Richard II, directed by Peter Stein (date and time to be defined)

The Award Ceremony will take place the 17th night, followed by the performance of a winner from the current edition.

Best regards

Alessandro Martinez, General Secretary Europe Theatre Prize


Europe Theatre Prize – History

The Europe Theatre Prize and of Live Performing Arts (ETP) had its inauguration in 1986 as a pilot project of the European Commission under Jacques Delors, whose first Commissioner of Culture was Carlo Ripa di Meana.

Back then, further support for the creation of the ETP also came from Melina Mercouri, who was the patroness of the Prize, and from Jack Lang. Since 2002, the ETP has been recognized by the European Parliament and Council as a European Cultural Interest Organisation. This important result was the fruit of a joint effort between the UTE and the ETP in or-der for both organisations to be recognised by the European Par-liament, which was one of the joint battles in support of theatre culture in Europe. Furthermore, the UTE and the ETP were in-cluded in the budget line of the European Parliament and Minis-ters’ Council for the time of its existence.

Regarding the organisation of ETP events, the Prize is not purely a celebratory event of the winners, but also a study of the winners’ figures and works; it furthermore includes meetings and seminars with testimonies of their collaborators, theatre and festival direc-tors, scholars and international critics. Finally, the Prize also offers previews of winning performances, internships, debates, and pro-jections.

Participants from more than 50 countries — as the Prize has been consistently growing throughout the years — attended the events of the last ETP edition. In fact, the Prize has become a regular meet-ing for the international theatre world, also thanks to the presence of around 400 journalists and critics coming from all over Europe and the rest of the world.

  • Autor:
  • Publikováno: 16. srpna 2017

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